Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A quick apology and explanation

Hello dearly appreciated faithful readers and followers of my traveling blog,

I'm sorry it has been 5 days since I've given you any updates! I've had a few troubles with the ATM, so I haven't been able to withdraw cash from my debit card and put down my 10 pound deposit for a computer card, so I haven't had internet access since Friday! This morning I finally woke up early and I'm sitting in Waterloo Station taking advantage of their free WiFi. I would have done this sooner, but I have serious Traveler's  ADD right now...all I want to do is go play in the city and explore and I'm slacking on taking care of actual business ;) (Cell phones, calling the bank, laundry, groceries...)

Anyway, thank you for your patience. I've been typing up a blog post every night even though I couldn't post them, and they can all be found below!

Enjoy, and greetings from the great, wonderful, beautiful and fantastic city of London!!! This place is everything I ever dreamed and hoped it would be.

- Michelle

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you've had trouble with your debit card. Did you call the bank or the number on the back of the card?
